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VA Acronyms 2010 List #5

  • Monday, March 22, 2010 14:16
    Message # 313286
    I&A Inspection and Acceptance MIL-STD Military Standard
    I&I Laboratory Integration and Interoperability Laboratory 07/09/04
    I&R Information and Referral 07/09/04
    IAA Identification, Authentication, and Authorization 06/13/07
    IACUC Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee 07/09/04
    IADL Instrumental Activities of Daily Living 07/09/04
    IAS Internal Audit Service 07/09/04
    IATO Interim Authority to Operate Granted to complete the remaining certification
    requirements and expeditiously mitigate deficiencies.
    IB Integrated Billing This module automatically passes information, such as
    pharmacy prescription CO-payment information and
    patient billing information, to the MCCR (Medical Cost
    Care Recovery) module.
    IBA Irving Burton Associates
    IBBA Intranet BDN/BIRLS Access A SHARE screen-based application designed for web
    browser access to the BDN and BIRLS databases.
    ICB Information Collection Budget 07/09/04
    ICD Insurance Claims Division 07/09/04
    ICD-10-CM International Statistical Classification of Diseases and
    Related Health Problems (10th Revision), Clinical
    ICD-9 International Classification of Disease
    ICD-9-CM International Classification of Diseases--9th edition--
    Clinical Modification
    ICDB Interoperative Clinical Database 06/13/07
    ICDR Interactive Clinical Data Repository (now referred to
    as Interactive Health Data Repository)
    ICE Independent Cost Estimate (pre-RFP/IFB) MIS
    Management Information System
    ICER Center for Veteran-Focused Priority Epidemiologic
    Research and Support
    ICF Integrated Care Facility
    ICIDH International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities
    & Handicaps
    ICIDH-2 International Classification of Impairments, Activities
    & Participation
    ICN Integration Control Number 07/09/04
    ICPSR Interagency Consortium for Political Science Research 07/09/04
    ICR Immunology Case Registry This module supports the maintenance of local and
    national registries for the tracking of Human
    Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) disease.
    ICU Intensive Care Unit A general intensive care unit is defined as a unit using
    designated intensive care beds interchangeably for
    more than one type of patient (e.g. medical, coronary,
    ID Infectious Diseases 06/13/07
    Acronym Full Term Description
    Glossary of Acronyms
    We in the Federal Government tend to use terms and abbreviations a great deal in our conversations or correspondence and sometimes we forget that not everyone knows what the
    mean! Here are some commonly used terms and acronyms in Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs that may be unfamiliar to you.
    ID Identification Code or Number 07/09/04
    ID/IQ Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity
    IDCU Integrated Data Communications Utility Telecommunication network 06/25/07
    IDD Interface Design Document 06/13/07
    IDEAS Salt Lake Informatics, Decision-Enhancement, And
    Surveillance Center
    IDIQ Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity 07/09/04
    IDL Interface Definition Language A language-neutral syntax with the express purpose of
    formalizing interfaces.
    IDM Independent Domiciliary (independently operated and
    non managed by MC)
    IDMC Informatics & Data Management Committee 07/09/04
    IDS Intrusion Detection Systems 07/09/04
    IDTC Indefinite Delivery Type Contract
    IE Interface Engine 07/09/04
    IE Information Engineering
    IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Outlines what needs to be done for effective project
    IETF Internet Engineering Task Force Reviews and issues Internet standards. 06/20/07
    IFB Invitation for Bids
    IFB Invitation for Bids NAVHAS Naval Hospital
    IFCAP Integrated Funds Control, Accounting, and
    Provides electronic funds distribution for accounting and
    procurement activities between regional offices and
    medical centers.
    IFCAP Integrated Funds Distribution, Control Point Activity,
    IFMS Integrated Financial Management Standard 07/09/04
    IFR Institution File Redesign 07/09/04
    IG Inspector General 07/09/04
    IG Inspector General NAVSTA Naval Station
    IGA Office of Intergovernmental Affairs 07/09/04
    IHDR Interactive Health Data Repository (formerly:
    Interactive Clinical Data Repository ICDR)
    Receives, stores, and sends patient-specific information
    to and from ancillary systems and other repositories
    inside or outside of the enterprise, and can support realtime
    or near real- time transaction analysis.
    IHS Indian Health Service 07/09/04
    IHS Integrated Hospital System The Integrated Hospital System was designed to give
    the private sector an opportunity to develop commercial
    alternatives to DEICP.
    IIA Inter-Institutional Amendment 07/09/04
    IIHI Individually Identifiable Health Information 07/09/04
    IIOP Internet Inter-ORB Protocol Common basis for broad-scope mediated bridging and
    can be used to implement both immediate bridges and
    to build half-bridges to mediated bridge domains.
    IIP Informatics Innovation Project 07/09/04
    IIR Investigator Initiated Research 06/13/07
    IIS (Microsoft) Internet Information Server product 07/09/04
    ILAR Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources 07/09/04
    ILL Interlibrary Loan 07/09/04
    ILS Integrated Logistic Support
    IM Information Management The creation, use, sharing, and disposition of
    information as a resource critical to the effective and
    efficient operation of functional activities.
    IM/IT Information Management/Information Technology 07/09/04
    IMC Intermediate Care 07/09/04
    Acronym Full Term Description
    Glossary of Acronyms
    We in the Federal Government tend to use terms and abbreviations a great deal in our conversations or correspondence and sometimes we forget that not everyone knows what the
    mean! Here are some commonly used terms and acronyms in Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs that may be unfamiliar to you.
    IMD Information Management Division
    IMF Item Master File Item and vendor information files. Part of IFCAP. Where
    Product information is stored for procurement use.
    IMPAC International Merchant Purchase Authorization Card Provides healthcare IT solutions that streamline clinical
    and business operations across the spectrum of cancer
    IMRB Internet Management Review Board 07/09/04
    IMT&R Information Management, Technology, and
    IND Investigational New Drug 07/09/04
    INS Immigration and Naturalization Service 07/09/04
    INSA Inpatient Non-availability Statement NH Naval
    IOC Independent Outpatient Clinic 07/09/04
    IOM Institute of Medicine 07/09/04
    IORBA Inter-Organizational Role-Based Access Role-based access control work 06/25/07
    IP Internet Protocol 07/09/04
    IP Internet Protocol NIH National Institutes of Health
    IPA Intergovernmental Personnel Act 06/13/07
    IPACS Information Processing Allocation and NMIMC Naval
    Medical Information Management Center Costing
    IPC Institutional Population Component 07/09/04
    IPDB Integrated Patient Database This is a national treatment database shared by four
    regional ISCs.
    IPF Integrated Patient Funds 07/09/04
    IPM Integrated Planning Models 07/09/04
    IPR In-Process Reviews A suggested avenue for gathering lessons learned data
    from team members while the project is in progress.
    IPSEC Internet Protocol Security 07/09/04
    IPT Integrated Project Team 07/09/04
    IPT Integrated Product Team OASD(HA) Office of the
    Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs)
    IR&D Independent Research and Development OASD(HSO)
    Office of the Secretary of Defense
    IRA Initial Requirements Analysis Document used to document and analyze the initial
    IRAC Information Resources Advisory Council IRAC's primary function is to prioritize the development
    of applications following the broad goals and objectives
    summarized in the Strategic Information Systems Plan.
    IRB Institutional Review Board IRBs review research protocols that involve human
    subjects. They ensure the ethical and safe treatment of
    study participants.
    IRC Lab Integration and Research Center Laboratory 07/09/04
    IRCN Interagency Reports Control Number 07/09/04
    IRDS Information Resource Dictionary System (Health
    Services Operations)
    IRIS Inquiry Routing & Information System 07/09/04
    IRM Information Resource Management Encompasses the management of both information and
    the resources used in the information process.
    IRM Institution Resource Management IRM is a VA department that helps maintain VA
    information services. The IRM office at each site
    oversees access to VISTA and other data resources.
    IRM Information Resources Management (a.k.a. OIRM)
    IRMFO Information Resources Management Field Office 07/09/04
    Acronym Full Term Description
    Glossary of Acronyms
    We in the Federal Government tend to use terms and abbreviations a great deal in our conversations or correspondence and sometimes we forget that not everyone knows what the
    mean! Here are some commonly used terms and acronyms in Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs that may be unfamiliar to you.
    IRMS Information Resources Management Services 07/09/04
    IRS Internal Revenue Service 07/09/04
    IRT Incomplete Records Tracking This module allows for the tracking of incomplete
    records (operations reports, interim summary reports,
    and discharge summary reports).
    ISBT International System of Bar Code Technology 07/09/04
    ISC Information Service Center Their mission is the development and support of
    administrative, clinical, and financial software and to
    provide technical expertise and support to the VA
    health care facilities within a defined region.
    ISC Information Service Center
    ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network A CCITT-defined digital network standard for integrated
    voice and data network access, services, and user
    network messages.
    ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network O&M Operation &
    Maintenance (type of money)
    ISEC-QAD Inf. Syst. Cmmnd. Quality OCHAMPUS Off. of Civilian
    Hlth. & Med. Program of the Assurance Div. Uniformed
    ISIL Interagency Software Integration Lab 07/09/04
    ISMS Integrated Supply Management System 07/09/04
    ISO International Standards Organization Provide a means of verifying that a proposed standard
    has met certain requirements for due process,
    consensus, and other criteria by those developing the
    ISO Information Security Officer Person responsible for information security at each VA
    Medical Center. In contact with Regional Security
    Officers (RISOs).
    ISO TC 215 International Standards Organization Technical
    Committee on Health Informatics
    Develops and/or adopts standards in the field of health
    information and communications technology.
    ISO/IEC 11179 International Standards Organization/International
    Electro technical Commission Specification and
    Standardization of Data Elements
    Provides registry conventions for classifying,
    attributing, defining, naming, and registering data
    ISO-TC International Organization for Standardization
    Technical Committee
    IT Information Technology 07/09/04
    IT&IMS Information Technology & Management Sharing
    ITA Information Technology Architecture (VHA) 07/09/04
    ITAC Information Technology Advisory Committee 07/09/04
    ITARG Integration and Technology Application Requirements
    ITC Information Technology Conference 07/09/04
    ITEAM Information Technology Enterprise Architecture
    I-TIPS Information Technology Investment Portfolio System 07/09/04
    ITMP Information Technology Management Program 07/09/04
    ITMRA Information Technology Management Reform Act 07/09/04
    ITOP Intended Termination of Pregnancy 07/09/04
    ITS Implementation and Training Services 07/09/04
    IU Individual Unemployability
    IV&V Independent Verification and Validation Ensures the functional integrity and technical
    correctness of the software and documentation.
    IV&V Independent Verification and Validation OCONUS
    Outside the Continental United States
    IVM Income Verification Match A computer matching system with the Internal Revenue
    Service that links VA pension recipients with their
    income tax returns.
    Acronym Full Term Description
    Glossary of Acronyms
    We in the Federal Government tend to use terms and abbreviations a great deal in our conversations or correspondence and sometimes we forget that not everyone knows what the
    mean! Here are some commonly used terms and acronyms in Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs that may be unfamiliar to you.
    IVMC Income Verification Match Center 07/09/04
    J&A Justification and Authorization
    JAD Joint Application Development A software design methodology that draws users and
    information systems professionals together to jointly
    design systems in facilitated working groups.
    JCAHO Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care
    An organization that certifies the compliance of
    hospitals with a number of specific accreditation
    JEC Joint Executive Council (VA/DoD) Formally chartered to permit the VA Deputy Secretary
    and the DoD Under Secretary for Personnel and
    Readiness to identify opportunities for mutually
    beneficial formal collaboration and sharing.
    JHITA Joint Healthcare Information Technology Alliance Associates providers and end-users investigating
    Internet services, products and information.
    JPO Joint Project Office 07/09/04
    JTCC Joint Transportation Corporate Information
    Management Center
    JTR Joint Travel Regulation
    JTTR Joint Theater Trauma Registry A data repository collecting and hosting all DoD trauma
    related data.
    JTTS Joint Theater Trauma System An approach to providing improved trauma care across
    the continuum of the Levels of Care to trauma patients,
    especially in the battlefield environment.
    JVBOC Joint Venture Business Operations Committee 07/09/04
    JVS Joint Venture Sites 07/09/04
    K K Contract (symbol for)
    KB/SQL The name of a product 07/09/04
    KBPS Kilobits per second 07/09/04
    KG Kilograms
    KIDS Kernel Installation & Distribution System Provides a mechanism to create a distribution of
    packages and patches and allows distribution via a
    MailMan message or a host file.
    KM KiloMeter (Often; Click or Klick)
    KM/H KiloMeters per Hour
    KNOT Aviation and maritime unit of velocity
    KO Contracting Officer
    KR KR Contractor
    KSA Knowledge, Skills, Abilities 07/09/04
    KSAO Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, and Other 07/09/04
    KTR Contractor
    KWAPI Kernel Windows Application Program Interface 07/09/04

DOD Welcome home-small.jpg A welcoming home for our Troops.

Welcoming home our men and women doesn't end after the crowd disperses, it MUST continue on for the life of the Veteran! They've served us, now we will serve them with programs that work so they reintegrate into society.

We are a national public benefit nonprofit organization that educates American Communities about best practices to serve Veterans.  We honor their service by empowering Veterans to apply their training and skills to successfully transition to productive careers and enterprises.

We provide free vocational training 24/7 to all of our members through our website, in addition to local events.  We believe the tenet that American Communities are the ultimate beneficiaries when Veterans claim their benefits and invest in productive endeavors.

The SWVBRC enlists the support of members of local Communities like you to increase Veteran awareness of the value of obtaining a VA card and receiving earned benefits.

Sponsorships, donations, volunteers and support from communities like yours enable us to reach out to Veterans and empower them to transition back into successful, productive enterprises that ultimately benefit all Americans and support future generations.

The Internal Revenue Service has determined that Southwest Veterans' Business Resource Center, Inc. is an organization exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. A donation to SWVBRC, Inc. is deductible to the extent permitted under law.

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