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VA Acronyms 2010 List

  • Monday, March 22, 2010 14:02
    Message # 313275

    Acronym Full Term Descriptitions

    3DES    Triple Data Encryption Standard 06/22/07

    A&A    Aid and Attendance An additional benefit payable in both compensation and

    pension programs for someone who is so disabled that

    they need assistance with their everyday needs.


    A&MMS Acquisition and Material Management Service 07/09/04

    A/E Architect/Engineer of Veterans Affairs (a.k.a. VACO or


    A/OPC Agency/Organization Program Coordinator 06/22/07

    AA Authorized Absence 07/09/04

    AAA Area Agencies on Aging 07/09/04

    AAALAC American Association for Accreditation of Laboratory

    Animal Care


    AAALAC Int'l Association for Assessment and Accreditation of

    Laboratory Animal Care International


    AAC Austin Automation Center The Austin Automation Center is a Federal data center.

    Most VA data are housed at AAC, including the National

    Patient Care Database (NPCD) and Decision Support

    System (DSS) National Data Extracts.

    AAC Austin Automation Center, Austin, TX (formerly DPC)

    AACS Automated Allocation & Control System 06/26/07

    AAHRPP Association for the Accreditation of Human Research

    Protection Programs


    AAMC Association of American Medical Colleges 07/09/04

    ABC Activity Based Costing An improved costing methodology that centers around

    activities. This provides a more process oriented view of

    your organization, thereby giving you more accurate

    allocations of your costs.


    ABDX Abdominal Pain Diagnostic Program

    ABMS Automated Blood Management Systems

    AC Ambulatory Care 07/09/04

    ACA Advanced Clinical Access 12/30/08

    ACDU Active Duty

    ACEP American College of Emergency Physicians 07/09/04

    ACES Access Certificates for Electronic Services 07/09/04

    ACG Ambulatory Care Group 07/09/04

    ACGME Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education 07/09/04

    ACHE American College of Health Executives 07/09/04

    ACIO Associate Chief Information Officer 06/06/07

    ACMD Assistant Chief Medical Director 07/09/04

    ACMS Advanced Cost Management Systems CG Comptroller


    ACO Administrative Contracting Officer

    ACOS American College of Surgeons 07/09/04

    ACOS Associate Chief of Staff 07/09/04

    ACOS/E Associate Chief of Staff for Education 07/09/04

    ACOS/EC Associate Chief of Staff for Extended Care 07/09/04

    ACP Agency Capitol Plan 07/09/04

    ACP American College of Physicians

    ACQUIP Ambulatory Care Quality Improvement Project 07/09/04

    ACRP Ambulatory Care Reporting Program 07/09/04

    ACRS Automated Customer Registration Service 07/09/04

    ACRS Accelerated Cost Recovery System

    Glossary of Acronyms

    We in the Federal Government tend to use terms and abbreviations a great deal in our conversations or correspondence and sometimes we forget that not everyone knows what the

    mean! Here are some commonly used terms and acronyms in Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs that may be unfamiliar to you.

    Acronym Full Term Description



    Glossary of Acronyms

    We in the Federal Government tend to use terms and abbreviations a great deal in our conversations or correspondence and sometimes we forget that not everyone knows what the

    mean! Here are some commonly used terms and acronyms in Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs that may be unfamiliar to you.

    ACS Acute Coronary Syndrome 06/06/07

    ACS Alternate Care System

    AD(D) Active Duty (Dependent)

    ADA Associate Deputy Administrator 07/09/04

    ADA American Dental Association

    ADAMHA Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health

    ADAS Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary 07/09/04



    Defense Blood Management

    ADC Average Daily Census 07/09/04

    ADCC Alzheimer's Disease Core Center 06/22/07

    ADCMD Associate Deputy Chief Medical Director 07/09/04

    ADE Adverse Drug Event 06/06/07

    ADL Activities of Daily Living

    ADL Activities of Daily Living 07/09/04

    ADP Automatic Data Processing 07/09/04

    ADPAC Automated Data Processing Application Coordinator 06/26/07

    ADPE Automatic Data Processing Equipment

    ADPSO Automated Data Processing Security Officer 07/09/04

    ADPU Association of Public Data Users 07/09/04

    ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution Allow parties to resolve their disputes without resorting

    to litigation via the use of an impartial neutral third



    ADR Administrative Data Repository 04/18/08

    ADRADA Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Association 07/09/04

    ADS Alternative Delivery System

    ADS Ambulatory Data System Eligibility System

    ADT Admission/Discharge/Transfer 07/09/04

    ADT/R Admissions, Discharge, Transfer/Registration 07/09/04

    ADUSH Assistant Deputy Under Secretary for Health 04/15/05

    AE Adverse Event 07/09/04

    AECGIS Automated Electrocardiographic Interpretive Systems 07/09/04

    AECGIS Automated Electrocardiogram Interpretive System

    AEM Area Emergency Manager 07/09/04

    AEMS/MERS Automated Engineering Management System/Medical

    Equipment Reporting


    AEPS Affiliated Education Programs Service 07/09/04

    AERAC Adverse Events in Research Advisory Committee 07/09/04

    AES All Employee Survey 12/30/08

    AFB Air Force Base

    AFCEA Armed Forces Communications and Electronics



    AFDC Aid to Families with Dependent Children

    AFEB Armed Forces Epidemiological Board 07/09/04

    AFGE American Federation of Government Employees A major union of Federal employees including VA



    AFHCAN Alaska Federal Health Care Access Network 07/09/04

    AFHCP Alaska Federal Healthcare Partnership 07/09/04

    AFIP Armed Forces Institute of Pathology 07/09/04

    AFNOC Air Force Network Operation Center 07/09/04

    Acronym Full Term Description



    Glossary of Acronyms

    We in the Federal Government tend to use terms and abbreviations a great deal in our conversations or correspondence and sometimes we forget that not everyone knows what the

    mean! Here are some commonly used terms and acronyms in Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs that may be unfamiliar to you.

    AFO Ankle-Foot Othosis 06/26/07

    AFPC Armed Forces Policy Council

    AFPINTER3A Added from production Internet << this is test #3a to see what happens when Code A

    is updated >>


    AFPINTRA4A Added From Production IntRAnet << this is test #4a to see what happens when Code A

    is updated >>


    AFR Air Force Regulation

    AFRRI Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute 07/09/04

    AFSN Air Force Systems Network 07/09/04

    AFVAL Air Force Inpatient Biometrics Data Validation System

    AGIS Atlas Geographic Information System 07/09/04

    AH Army Hospital

    AHA American Hospital Association 07/09/04

    AHCFMS Army Health Care Financial Management System

    AHCPR Agency for Health Care Policy & Research (see AHRQ) 07/09/04

    AHIMA American Health Information Management Association 07/09/04

    AHPA American Health Planning Association 07/09/04

    AHRQ Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (formerly



    AHSE American Society for Health Care Engineering 07/09/04

    AHSR Association for Health Services Research 07/09/04

    AHSRHP Academy for Health Services Research and Health 07/20/07

    AIC Automated Information Center 07/09/04

    AICPA American Institute of Certified Public Accountants

    AICS Automated Information Collection Systems 07/09/04

    AID Agency for International Development

    AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome 07/09/04

    AIS Automated Information System 07/09/04

    AISO Alternate Information Security Officer 12/30/08

    AITC Austin Information Technology Center (Formerly:

    Corporate Franchise Datacenter CFD; Formerly: Austin

    Automation Center AAC)

    As a franchise fund, or fee-for-service organization,

    AAC provides cost-efficient IT enterprise solutions to

    support the information technology needs of customers

    within the Federal sector.


    AJCC American Joint Commission on Cancer 07/09/04

    AL American Legion 07/09/04

    AL Assurance Letter 07/09/04

    ALB Account Level Budgeting (a DSS term) 06/06/07

    ALC Agency Location Code 06/22/07

    ALOS Average Length of Stay

    AMA American Medical Association 07/09/04

    AMAS Automated Management Application System 06/27/07

    AMC Army Medical Center

    AMEDD Army Medical Department

    AMES Automated Management Information System


    Acute Myocardial Infarction (Also Acute Coronary

    Syndrome - Heart Attack)


    AMIA American Medical Informatics Association 07/09/04

    AMIE Automated Medical Information Exchange Provides electronic distribution of admonitions,

    discharge and C & P examination information between

    regional offices and medical centers.


    Acronym Full Term Description



    Glossary of Acronyms

    We in the Federal Government tend to use terms and abbreviations a great deal in our conversations or correspondence and sometimes we forget that not everyone knows what the

    mean! Here are some commonly used terms and acronyms in Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs that may be unfamiliar to you.

    AMIS Automated Management Information System 07/09/04

    AMO-W Acquisition Management Office – Washington

    AMS Asset Management Service 07/09/04

    AMSUS Association of Military Surgeons of the United States 07/09/04

    AMVETS American Veterans of World War II, Korea and



    ANOVA Analysis of Variance 06/22/07

    ANSI American National Standards Institute A privately funded, non-profit organization which

    coordinates the development of voluntary standards in

    the United States and is the agency that approves



    AO Agent Orange A herbicide, or defoliant, which was used in Vietnam to

    kill unwanted plant life and to remove leaves from trees

    which otherwise provided cover for the enemy.


    AO Accountable Officer or Administrative Officer

    AO&AS Acquisition Operations and Analysis Service

    AOA Analysis of Alternatives 06/06/07

    AOD Administrative Officer of the Day 07/09/04

    AOLS Average Length of Stay 06/22/07

    AOPO Agent Orange Projects Office 07/09/04

    AOR Agent Orange Registry 07/09/04

    AOTA American Occupational Therapy Association 07/09/04

    AOWG Agent Orange Working Group (White House) 07/09/04

    AP Accounts Payable 07/09/04

    APC Ambulatory Payment Classifications Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) was

    mandated through the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation

    Act of 1986 to develop a prospective payment system

    (PPS) for outpatient services. All services paid under

    the new PPS are classified into groups called

    Ambulatory Payment Classifications or APCs. Services

    in each APC are similar clinically in terms of the

    resources they require. A payment rate is established

    for each APC. Depending on the services provided,

    hospitals may be paid for more than one APC in a single


    APEC Asian Pacific Economic Cooperative 07/09/04

    APES Automated Patient Evacuation System

    APHIS Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service 07/09/04

    API Application Program Interface 07/09/04

    APP Advance Procurement Plan

    APS Automated Procurement System Veterans


    APTA American Physical Therapy Association 07/09/04

    APW Architecture Planning Workgroup 07/09/04

    AQCESS Automated Quality of Care, Evaluation Support


    AR Accounts Receivable 07/09/04

    AR Army Regulation

    ARA Automated Risk Assessment 07/09/04

    ARAMIS American Rheumatology Associates Medical

    Information System


    ARB Accident Review Board 10/02/08

    Acronym Full Term Description



    Glossary of Acronyms

    We in the Federal Government tend to use terms and abbreviations a great deal in our conversations or correspondence and sometimes we forget that not everyone knows what the

    mean! Here are some commonly used terms and acronyms in Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs that may be unfamiliar to you.

    ARC Allocation Resource Center A clinically-focused health systems information and

    management group that assists the VHA policy and

    operations management by developing, maintaining,

    and using decision support patient-specific workload

    and expenditure databases.


    ARENA Applied Research Ethics National Association 07/09/04

    ARF Animal Research Facilities 07/09/04

    ARG Application Requirements Group 07/09/04

    ARMA Association of Records Managers & Administrators An authority on managing paper and electronic records

    and information. Members come from a wide variety of

    industries, including government, legal, and healthcare.


    ARMS Automated Reference Manuals 07/09/04

    ARNet Acquisition Reform Network

    ARNP Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner 07/09/04

    ARPERCEN Army Reserve Personnel Records Center

    ARS Automated Response System 07/09/04

    ART Adverse Reaction Tracking 07/09/04

    ART Annual Report Template 06/06/07

    ARTS Adverse Reaction Tracking System 06/22/07

    ARU Alcohol Rehabilitation Unit 06/06/07

    ASA Aspirin 07/09/04

    ASBCA Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals

    ASBPO Armed Services Blood Program Office

    ASC Ambulatory Surgical Centers

    ASC X12 Accredited Standards Committee X12 07/09/04

    ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange A widely used system for encoding characters for

    processing and transmission between data processing

    systems, data communication systems, and associated



    ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange

    CO Contracting Officer

    AsCMD Associate Chief Medical Director 07/09/04

    ASD(C31) Assistant Secretary, of Defense (Command, Control)

    COB Coordination of Benefits

    ASD(HA) Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs)

    ASIH Absent Sick In Hospital 07/09/04

    ASIM Automated Security Incident Measurement 07/09/04

    ASIMS Army Standard Info Management System

    ASISTS Automated Safety Incident Surveillance and Tracking



    ASO Assistant Supply Officer

    ASP Active Server Pages 07/09/04

    ASP Application Service Provider A third party company or organization providing hosting

    services for applications on their own infrastructure,

    generally offered as a fee-for-service capability.


    ASPM Armed Services Pricing Manual

    ASPR Armed Services Procurement Regulation

    ASSESS Application Self-Scoring Evaluation Support System 07/09/04

    ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials An open forum for the development of high quality,

    market-relevant international standards used around

    the globe.


    ASU Authorization and Subscription Utility Provides a method for identifying who is authorized to

    perform various actions on clinical documents.


    ATIC Advanced Technology Integration Center 07/09/04

    Acronym Full Term Description



    Glossary of Acronyms

    We in the Federal Government tend to use terms and abbreviations a great deal in our conversations or correspondence and sometimes we forget that not everyone knows what the

    mean! Here are some commonly used terms and acronyms in Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs that may be unfamiliar to you.

    ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode A high-speed connection-oriented data transmission

    method that provides bandwidth on demand through

    packet-switching techniques using fixed-sized cells.


    ATP Acquisition Training Program

    ATSDR Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry A federal public health agency of the U.S. Department

    of Health and Human Services (HHS).


    AWIC Animal Welfare Information Center 07/09/04

    AWOL Absent Without Leave 07/09/04

    AWP Average Wholesale Price AWPs are average wholesale pharmaceutical prices.

    Common sources of AWPs are the Red Book and


    B&P Bid and Proposal (cost)

    B/S Benefits/Services 07/09/04

    BAA Broad Agency Announcement

    BAFO Best and Final Offer

    BAFO Best and Final Offer CPAF Cost-Plus-Award Fee


    BAFO(log) Base Accounting and Finance Office

    BAO Basic Ordering Agreement

    BBM Blood Bank Modernization Works and maintains VISTA Blood Bank software 06/20/07

    BBS Bulletin Board System 07/09/04

    BCMA Bar Code Medication Administration 07/09/04

    BDC Benefits Delivery Center Maintains sector equipment, supports centralized

    benefits processes applications and maintains data

    considered mission-critical.


    BDC Boston Development Center 07/09/04

    BDI Biological Defense Initiative 07/09/04

    BDN Benefits Delivery Network 07/09/04

    BDOC Bed Days of Care 07/09/04

    BEA Bureau of Economic Analysis 07/09/04

    BEC Benefits Executive Council 07/09/04

    BES Best Estimate Submission

    BEST Business Enterprise Solutions and Technologies 07/09/04

    BGL Government Bill of Lading NXRN Non-expendable

    Record Number (LOG)

    BGP Border Gateway Protocol

    BHIE Bi-directional Health Information Exchange (formerly:

    CHCS-VistA DSI)

    A joint IT effort of secure sharing of protected

    electronic healthcare data between the Departments of

    Veterans Affairs (VA) and Defense (DoD).


    BINQ BIRLS Inquiry Inquiry command to access identifying information

    regarding a veteran or location of a claims folder.


    BIOFACS Biomedical and Facilities Systems

    BIRLS Beneficiary Identification and Resource Locator


    An index of veterans and beneficiary records which

    contains personal, military service, and VA file number

    and location information.


    Acronym Full Term Description



    Glossary of Acronyms

    We in the Federal Government tend to use terms and abbreviations a great deal in our conversations or correspondence and sometimes we forget that not everyone knows what the

    mean! Here are some commonly used terms and acronyms in Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs that may be unfamiliar to you.

    BIRLS Beneficiary Identification and Records Locator System BIRLS is a set of databases indexed by social security

    number. With BIRLS, a researcher can find information

    on veterans who obtained burial benefits from VA (for

    mortality studies), who receive a monetary benefit for

    Aid and Attendance (e.g., to defray the cost of the

    Community Residential Care program), or who had

    accounts for VA educational benefits (to determine the

    extent of contact with VA for other services besides

    healthcare). BIRLS contains other data as well, such as

    the type and amount of benefits paid to C&P

    (compensation and pension) recipients.

    BLOBs Binary Large Objects 07/09/04

    BLR&D Biomedical Laboratory Research and Development 06/06/07

    BLRD Biomedical Laboratory Research and Development Supports research exploring biological or physiological

    principles in humans or animals. For example, BLR&D

    research includes pre-clinical models and investigations

    of tissues, blood or other biologic specimens from



    BLS Bureau of Labor Statistics 07/09/04

    BME Biomedical Engineering 06/06/07

    BMI Body Mass Index 07/09/04

    BMT Bone Marrow Transplantation 07/09/04

    BMU Behavioral Medicine Unit 06/06/07

    BOA Basic Ordering Agreement

    BOC Budget Object Code

    BOP Bureau of Prisons 07/09/04

    BOSS Burial Operations Support System Provides benefit delivery automation support to NCS

    facilities nationwide. It replaced the manual processing

    previously associated with establishing and maintaining

    interment information at VA national cemeteries.


    BPA Blanket Purchase Agreement BPAs are contracts between VA and pharmacy supply

    manufacturers. They enable individual VA facilities to

    obtain additional discounts for particular medications or

    supplies based on the volume prescribed or used. The

    BPA may include additional programs and services as

    well. Many are negotiated for specific customer groups

    under the VA Federal Supply Schedule (FSS) program.


    BPH Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia 07/09/04

    BPR Business Process Reengineering The fundamental analysis and redesign of business

    processes and management systems, job definitions,

    organizational structures and beliefs and behaviors to

    achieve dramatic performance improvements to meet

    contemporary requirements.


    BPRC Budget Planning Review Council 07/09/04

    BRAC Base Realignment And Closure

    BRC Blind Rehabilitation Center 07/09/04

    BRFSS Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System A national system of health surveys that tracks healthrisk

    behaviors, clinical preventive practices, and health

    care access and use, primarily related to chronic

    diseases and injury.


    BRH Bureau of Radiological Health 07/09/04

    BRRC Brain Rehabilitation Research Center 06/06/07

    BSC Balanced Score Card 07/09/04

    BSOD Blue Screen of Death 07/09/04

    BSR Beneficiary Service Representative

    Acronym Full Term Description



    Glossary of Acronyms

    We in the Federal Government tend to use terms and abbreviations a great deal in our conversations or correspondence and sometimes we forget that not everyone knows what the

    mean! Here are some commonly used terms and acronyms in Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs that may be unfamiliar to you.

    BTSO Bedford Technical Support Office 06/06/07

    BUMED Bureau of Medicine


    Board of Veterans Appeals; An organization outside

    the RO established to adjudicate cases where veterans

    have disagreed with the findings of the RO.

    A VA organization directly responsible to the Secretary

    which decides benefit questions in cases where the

    claimant disagrees with the decision of the VA regional



    BVA Blinded Veterans of America 07/09/04

DOD Welcome home-small.jpg A welcoming home for our Troops.

Welcoming home our men and women doesn't end after the crowd disperses, it MUST continue on for the life of the Veteran! They've served us, now we will serve them with programs that work so they reintegrate into society.

We are a national public benefit nonprofit organization that educates American Communities about best practices to serve Veterans.  We honor their service by empowering Veterans to apply their training and skills to successfully transition to productive careers and enterprises.

We provide free vocational training 24/7 to all of our members through our website, in addition to local events.  We believe the tenet that American Communities are the ultimate beneficiaries when Veterans claim their benefits and invest in productive endeavors.

The SWVBRC enlists the support of members of local Communities like you to increase Veteran awareness of the value of obtaining a VA card and receiving earned benefits.

Sponsorships, donations, volunteers and support from communities like yours enable us to reach out to Veterans and empower them to transition back into successful, productive enterprises that ultimately benefit all Americans and support future generations.

The Internal Revenue Service has determined that Southwest Veterans' Business Resource Center, Inc. is an organization exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. A donation to SWVBRC, Inc. is deductible to the extent permitted under law.

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