The Southwest Veterans' Business Resource Center (SWVBRC) Presents
Meet with EMWD, DGS, and CHP
When: April 29, 2014
Time: 10 am – 12pm
Where: 227 N D Street Perris CA 92570, north side of the Chamber of Commerce Building and next door to Code Enforcement
We believe we can make a great positive impact to those businesses that are committed to succeed. The way we help you succeed is by providing the right tools, networks, resources, & education to help you get to where you need to be and succeed financially.
What We Will Cover
10:00 am – 10:30 am
Selling to EMWD
10:40 a.m. – 11:10am
Selling to DGS
Presented by
Wayne Gross,
Procurement Division, Outreach and Communication
11:20 – 11:50am
Selling to CHP
Meet the Speakers
Wayne Gross,
Procurement Division, Outreach and Communication
Wayne Gross has thirty-nine years of customer service skills starting from his early days as a USAF Captain. Wayne currently serves as a Customer Liaison and SB/DVBE Advocate for the State of California Department of General Services, Procurement Division, Certification and Outreach Branch. In this role, he educates the business community and ensures that Small businesses (SB) and Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE) businesses can access their share of state contracts. Wayne received two 2012 State Agency Recognition Awards for his advocacy and support of SBs and DVBEs seeking to understand and navigate the State's procurement system. These awards honor state departments and employees for their best practices, creativity and outstanding achievements to advance California's SB programs and DVBE programs. Recently, Wayne was awarded the Spotlight Award in recognition of his total body of public service work, his commitment to the economic health and vitality of Bay Area businesses and communities, exemplary leadership, by the Bay Area Business Roundtable. Furthermore, the North San Diego Small Business Development Center (SBDC) 2014 SBDC Business Builder Award for unwavering commitment and continued contributions to the local business community and for providing an invaluable resource for local businesses was presented to him by Marie Waldron, Assemblymember 75th District. Wayne holds a Master’s degree in Business Management.
Email: Wayne Gross
Maureen Moss,
SB/DVBE Advocate Liaison:
Ms. Moss has 30 years of state service with 28 years as an SB/DVBE Advocate-Liaison.
She was recognized and received the first award as the State of California SB/DVBE Advocate and has received 9 additional awards through the years.
Ms. Moss worked at six different state departments and currently enjoys the Sacramento CHP headquarters office. Her passion for the SB/DVBE program continues.
Email: Maureen Moss
Dan Howell,
Director of Purchasing and Contracts:
Melanie Nieman,
Director of Interagency Relations:
Join Dan Howell, Director of Purchasing and Contracts and Melanie Nieman, Director of Interagency Relations, for an introduction to Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) in Perris. They will provide an overview of how to do business with EMWD and announce a future more in-depth learning and networking opportunity. EMWD provides drinking water services to more than 136,000 domestic water connections and 122 agriculture and irrigation accounts. The District provides wastewater services to more than 230,000 customers and provides recycled water to about 270 accounts.
Email: Melanie Neiman
End Result
By the end of this meeting you will increase your opportunity in selling to California Highway Patrol and DGS.
Please go to to RSVP for the Event
Call for more details and directions:
Luis Casillas,
Chief Financial Officer and Secretary
Phone: 951.400.2527
Lunch Sponsored By

Space is limited so please register early.